
We would like to invite you to attend the fifth International Strawberry Congress and give you a warm welcome. The congress will take place in Antwerp – the ideal host city for an interesting and fascinating congress. We want the fourth edition once more to be a platform for networking and information sharing.
Hans Vanderhallen, Convener
Tom Van Delm, Chair of the Scientific Committee
ISC Belgium

This year's topics

Breeding and phenotyping
Strawberry physiology
Integrated pest and disease management
Innovative cultivation methods
Robotics and automation
Vertical farming
Sustainable water use
Fertilisation, soilhealth and growing media
Fruit quality and nutritional properties
Postharvest biology and technology
Sustainable packaging
Big data and AI

Important info & deadlines


Important info & deadlines:


Abstracts for both oral and poster presentations related to the topics of the congress can be submitted online, via our congress website: www.iscbelgium.com.

The scientific committee will select oral or poster presentations based on quality and content of the abstract. The acceptance notification will be sent to the authors by 31 March, 2025.

28 February 2025      Abstract submission deadline
31 March 2025          Notification of acceptance of abstracts as oral or poster
30 June 2025             Deadline for the submission of extended abstracts

All extended abstracts (oral and posters) will be published in the book of abstracts.

General information

As the official language is English, only abstracts and papers in English will be accepted and reviewed.
Please pay a particular attention to scientific quality and written English as the selection for oral or poster presentation will be based on abstracts. Abstracts need to include background and objectives, materials and methods, main results and perspectives. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words.

The presenting author of each accepted abstract must be registered for ISC 2025. In order for an abstract to be confirmed for oral presentation, the presenting author must be fully registered before 01 July, 2025.

A selection will be made by the Scientific Committee, and these authors will be invited to submit a full manuscript for publication in eJHS (European Journal of Horticultural Science), the official journal of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). This notification will be sent by 31 July 2025, full paper submission deadline is 01 September 2025.
Please find the Guidelines to be followed for a eJHS paper, via: https://www.cabidigitallibrary.org/journal/ejhs/submission-guidelines

Please find hereunder the template to be used for each abstract. Please use only this document as template.

For any questions regarding the submission of abstracts or the scientific programme, please contact the scientific committee by email: strawberrycongress@hoogstraten.eu

Submit your abstract

Please remember to fill in all the fields and leave none blank. If the abstract has multiple authors, you can add them at the bottom of the form up to a maximum of 10.
Submit now

Local organisation committee

H. Vanderhallen
T. Van Delm
C. Meesters
L. Vanoirbeek
N. Van Aevermaet
M. Biemans
J. Engelen
L. Matthé
E. Vanmarcke

Scientific Committee

T. Van Delm (BE) - Chair Person
P. Melis (BE) - Vice-chair Person

J. Bac-Molenaar
L. Bosmans
D. Bylemans
B. Farneti
S. Karhu
S. Knapp
C. Kubota
S. Laurijssen
V. Michel
D. Neri
B. Nicolai
K. Olbricht
N. Peres
A. Sonsteby
A. Stensvand


You want to know more about the ISC?

more info
ISC Belgium - quotes

17/09 & 18/09
2 days of lecture at the FMCCA


International Mechanisation & Demonstration Strawberry Fair at RCH

More details will be announced frequently on our website.
Full programme will be announced by May 2025. 

Gaston Opdekamp

Add event to calendar

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ISC Belgium - Quote
Michael Barker

early bird (until 01/07)


standard registration


Student registration


Virtual only registration


fieldtrip (23/09)


congress dinner (22/09)


Prices INCL. 21% VAT

ISC Belgium - Quotes

Registration fee

The registration fee includes admission to all sessions, a copy of the congress proceedings, coffee breaks, lunches and social events such as the International Mechanisation and Demonstration Strawberry Fair at the Research Centre Hoogstraten (congress dinner and fieldtrip excluded).

Early Bird (until 01/07):                € 450
Standard Registration:                € 650
Student Registration                   € 350

Congress dinner (17/09):              € 100

Fieldtrip (19/09):                            €  110

*Prices incl. 21% VAT 

Anja Stas